Ukuran Monitor Ideal Untuk Kerja

Mana monitor yang paling ideal untuk kerja? Yang paling tajam menampilkan text tentunya, karena kebanyakan kerja kita pakai text. Dan inilah monitor terbaik yang bisa kita dapat per Januari 2025 (abu-abu berarti ditest dengan metode lama):

Yang kita punya, BENQ EW3270U, clarity 9.5 text bagus sekali:
Untuk laptop bisa begini, pilih yang mendekati 228 PPI

Rekomendasi Layar 32″ GPU Lemah

Langsung saja, yang recommended menurut saya adalah layar 32″ dengan ukuran resolusi 3072×1728 dan scaling 100%, setara dengan 3840×2160 pada scaling 125%.

Bedanya pada 3072×1728 (5,380,416 pixel) CPU & GPU tidak akan memproses pixel sebanyak 3840×2160 (8,294,400), tetapi hanya 64% saja, sehingga CPU & GPU low end pun lama bisa bekerja optimal. Selain itu, karena tidak ada scaling tambahan, maka beban kerja CPU & GPU menjadi lebih ringan lagi.

Rekomendasi Layar 32″ GPU Kuat

Kalau GPU kuat begini aja, 3840×2160 @ 125% scaling

Teori Ukuran Monitor Ideal

Berapa ukuran monitor yang ideal untuk kerja? Yang DPI di sekitar 92 DPI sudah enak, berdasar pengalaman pribadi memakai layar 24″ dengan resolusi 1920×1080. Kalau yang ideal untuk ukuran 27″ rasanya 2560×1440, ukuran 32″ 2560×1440 juga boleh.

Kalau mau gambar tajam? Pilih 100-110 PPI

Kalau mau enak di mata (text besar)? Pilih 90-100 PPI

Berikut perbandingan berbagai ukuran monitor vs pixel density:

22″, resolution 1920×1080, density 100 PPI, optimal distance 30″ (87cm)

Saran Untuk Programmer

A 1080p monitor will happily give you enough room to have 2x code windows side by side at 80 characters with a typical sidebar. You can also view 51 lines of code on 1 screen with a 10pt size font in Sublime. A 1440p monitor will give you 3x code windows side by side and 76 lines of code. This is a pretty big deal. You might not realize it until you’ve tried it for a while but being able to comfortably have 3 editor files open and being able to view about 50% more vertical lines of code at a glance is huge.

I think realistically, having 1x or 2x 1440p monitors is going to offer you a really good development experience. You’ll have plenty of room to get work done and you won’t have to squint to read text since by having read this article, you know how to measure what PPI will be good for you.

Saran Dari Microsoft Windows

Berikut saran scaling ukuran layar dari Microsoft Windows

  • Full HD 17-24″: 100% (1920×1080)
    • Kita kalikan 2 ukuran layarnya,
    • Maka 4K 34″-48″ 100% juga, 3840×2160 @ 100%
  • Full HD 15.6″: 125%, setara 1536×864 @ 100%
    • Kita kalikan 2 ukuran layarnya,
    • Maka 4K 32″ 125% juga, setara 3072×1728 @ 100%
  • Full HD 14″: 150%, setara 1280×720 @ 100%
    • Kita kalikan 2 ukuran layarnya,
    • Maka 4K 28″ 150% juga, setara 2560×1440 @ 100%

Yang sweet spot nampaknya 4K 32″, tidak terlalu besar sehingga tidak membuat leher capek bergerak dan area kerjanya pun cukup luas.

  • FHD 17″ @ 100% scaling cukup kecil dan sulit dibaca kalau agak jauh, tapi cukup enak kalau di laptop alias jarak dekat.
  • FHD 14″ @ 150% scaling malah (1280×720) lebih kecil area kerjanya dari monitor jadul ukuran 1366×768

Saran Dari Eizo.EU

Saran Dari Display Ninja

Having the highest pixel density possible isn’t always the better solution or even a necessary one … Further, certain applications don’t scale well. For instance, if you have a 27″ 4K monitor (163 PPI), you may find 150% scaling to be ideal for you, whereas some applications will only scale to 100% or 200% … This will leave you with things being either too small or too big in that application. Luckily, most apps have improved their scaling support since the high-resolution displays first appeared on the market.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend displays with a pixel density close to 110 PPI. At this pixel per inch ratio, you get plenty of screen space and sharp details without having to use any scaling.

Of course, if you want a better image quality, aim for higher pixel density.

We advise against getting a monitor with a pixel density that’s lower than ~80 PPI unless there’s no other alternative, though a lot of people would argue that anything below 90 PPI is too low.

The WQHD (2560×1440) resolution is ideal for 27-inch monitors. You get 108 PPI, which is the sweet spot between picture detail clarity and the available screen real estate as there’s no scaling necessary.

When it comes to 4K Ultra HD resolution, many will argue that a 27-inch or a 28-inch monitor is large enough. Since the resolution is so high, everything on the monitor will be small, which means you’ll have to scale the interface for text to be readable.

Overall, we recommend the following monitor size/resolution combinations for gaming:
23-inch to 25-inch: 1080p
27-inch: 1440p or 4K (3840×2160)
28-inch to 32-inch and over: 4K (3840×2160)
25-inch to 29-inch ultrawide: 2560×1080
34-inch ultrawide: 3440×1440
38-inch ultrawide: 3840×1600 43-inch
super-ultrawide: 3840×1080,
3840×1200 49-inch super-ultrawide: 5120×1440

4K Display in 27 Inch Monitors

In numerical terms, 125% scaling represents such elements at a size that they’d appear on a theoretical 35” UHD screen, with a pixel density of 125.88 PPI. If you recall that is still a greater pixel density than a 27” 2560 x 1440 model would provide (108.79 PPI) so you still have plenty of ‘real-estate’ at your disposal. Even when scaling text in this way, the physical pixel density of the display (157.24 PPI) is still an important factor in terms of the clarity and apparent ‘crispness’ of text, at least if it scales properly.

27″ vs 32″ Monitor







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